Source code for getdist.types

import decimal
import os
from io import BytesIO
import numpy as np
from getdist.paramnames import ParamInfo, ParamList
import tempfile

_sci_tolerance = 4

class TextFile:
    def __init__(self, lines=None):
        if isinstance(lines, str):
            lines = [lines]
        self.lines = lines or []

    def write(self, outfile):
        with open(outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:

def texEscapeText(string):
    return string.replace('_', '{\\textunderscore}')

def times_ten_power(exponent):
    return r'\cdot 10^{%d}' % exponent

[docs]def float_to_decimal(f): # """Convert a floating point number to a Decimal with no loss of information""" n, d = f.as_integer_ratio() numerator, denominator = decimal.Decimal(n), decimal.Decimal(d) ctx = decimal.Context(prec=60) result = ctx.divide(numerator, denominator) while ctx.flags[decimal.Inexact]: ctx.flags[decimal.Inexact] = False ctx.prec *= 2 result = ctx.divide(numerator, denominator) return result
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable def numberFigs(number, sigfig, sci=False): # assert (sigfig > 0) try: d = decimal.Decimal(number) except TypeError: d = float_to_decimal(float(number)) if sci: exponent = d.adjusted() if abs(exponent) > _sci_tolerance: d = decimal.getcontext().multiply(d, float_to_decimal(10. ** -exponent)) else: exponent = 0 sign, digits = d.as_tuple()[0:2] if len(digits) < sigfig: digits = list(digits) digits.extend([0] * (sigfig - len(digits))) shift = d.adjusted() result = int(''.join(map(str, digits[:sigfig]))) # Round the result if len(digits) > sigfig and digits[sigfig] >= 5: result += 1 result = list(str(result)) # Rounding can change the length of result # If so, adjust shift shift += len(result) - sigfig # reset len of result to sigfig result = result[:sigfig] if shift >= sigfig - 1: # Tack more zeros on the end result += ['0'] * (shift - sigfig + 1) elif 0 <= shift: # Place the decimal point in between digits result.insert(shift + 1, '.') else: # Tack zeros on the front assert (shift < 0) result = ['0.'] + ['0'] * (-shift - 1) + result if sign: result.insert(0, '-') if sci: return ''.join(result), exponent return ''.join(result) class NumberFormatter: def __init__(self, sig_figs=4, separate_limit_tol=0.1, err_sf=2): self.sig_figs = sig_figs self.separate_limit_tol = separate_limit_tol self.err_sf = err_sf # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable def namesigFigs(self, value, limplus, limminus, wantSign=True, sci=False): frac = limplus / (abs(value) + limplus) sf = self.sig_figs if frac > 0.1 and 100 > value >= 20: sf = 2 elif frac > 0.01 and value < 1000: sf = 3 err_sf = self.err_sf if value >= 20 and frac > 0.1 and limplus >= 2: err_sf = 1 if sci: # First, call without knowing sig figs, to get the exponent exponent = self.formatNumber(max(abs(value - limminus), abs(value + limplus)), sci=True)[1] if exponent: value, limplus, limminus = [ (lambda x: decimal.getcontext().multiply( float_to_decimal(x), float_to_decimal(10. ** -exponent)))(lim) for lim in [value, limplus, limminus]] plus_str = self.formatNumber(limplus, err_sf, wantSign) minus_str = self.formatNumber(limminus, err_sf, wantSign) res = self.formatNumber(value, sf) maxdp = max(self.decimal_places(plus_str), self.decimal_places(minus_str)) while maxdp < self.decimal_places(res): sf -= 1 if sf == 0: res = ('%.' + str(maxdp) + 'f') % value if float(res) == 0.0: res = ('%.' + str(maxdp) + 'f') % 0 break else: res = self.formatNumber(value, sf) while self.decimal_places(plus_str) > self.decimal_places(res): sf += 1 res = self.formatNumber(value, sf) if sci: return res, plus_str, minus_str, exponent else: return res, plus_str, minus_str # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable def formatNumber(self, value, sig_figs=None, wantSign=False, sci=False): if sig_figs is None: sf = self.sig_figs else: sf = sig_figs s = numberFigs(value, sf, sci=sci) if sci: s, exponent = s if wantSign: if s[0] != '-' and float(s) < 0: s = '-' + s if float(s) > 0: s = '+' + s if sci: return s, exponent else: return s def decimal_places(self, s): i = s.find('.') if i > 0: return len(s) - i - 1 return 0 def plusMinusLimit(self, limit, upper, lower): return limit != 1 or abs(abs(upper / lower) - 1) > self.separate_limit_tol class TableFormatter: def __init__(self): self.border = '|' self.endofrow = '\\\\' self.hline = '\\hline' self.paramText = 'Parameter' self.aboveTitles = self.hline self.majorDividor = '|' self.minorDividor = '|' self.colDividor = '||' self.belowTitles = '' self.headerWrapper = " %s" self.noConstraint = '---' self.spacer = ' ' # just to make output more readable self.colSeparator = self.spacer + '&' + self.spacer self.numberFormatter = NumberFormatter() def getLine(self, position=None): if position is not None and hasattr(self, position): return getattr(self, position) return self.hline def belowTitleLine(self, colsPerParam, numResults=None): return self.getLine("belowTitles") def startTable(self, ncol, colsPerResult, numResults): part = self.majorDividor + (" c" + self.minorDividor) * (colsPerResult - 1) + ' c' return '\\begin{tabular} {' + self.border + " l " + part * numResults + ( self.colDividor + " l " + part * numResults) * ( ncol - 1) + self.border + '}' def endTable(self): return '\\end{tabular}' def titleSubColumn(self, colsPerResult, title): return ' \\multicolumn{' + str( colsPerResult) + '}{' + self.majorDividor + 'c' + self.majorDividor + '}{' + self.formatTitle(title) + '}' def formatTitle(self, title): return '\\bf ' + texEscapeText(title) def texEquation(self, txt): if txt and txt[0] != '$': return '$' + txt + '$' else: return txt def textAsColumn(self, txt, latex=False, separator=False, bold=False): wid = len(txt) if latex: wid += 2 if bold: wid += 11 res = txt + self.spacer * max(0, 28 - wid) if latex: res = self.texEquation(res) if bold: res = '{\\boldmath' + res + '}' if separator: res += self.colSeparator return res class OpenTableFormatter(TableFormatter): def __init__(self): TableFormatter.__init__(self) self.border = '' self.aboveTitles = r'\noalign{\vskip 3pt}' + self.hline + r'\noalign{\vskip 1.5pt}' \ + self.hline + r'\noalign{\vskip 5pt}' self.belowTitles = r'\noalign{\vskip 3pt}' + self.hline self.aboveHeader = '' self.belowHeader = self.hline self.minorDividor = '' self.belowFinalRow = '' def titleSubColumn(self, colsPerResult, title): return ' \\multicolumn{' + str(colsPerResult) + '}{' + 'c' + '}{' + self.formatTitle(title) + '}' class NoLineTableFormatter(OpenTableFormatter): def __init__(self): OpenTableFormatter.__init__(self) self.aboveHeader = '' # self.belowHeader = r'\noalign{\vskip 5pt}' self.minorDividor = '' self.majorDividor = '' self.belowFinalRow = self.hline self.belowBlockRow = self.hline self.colDividor = '|' self.hline = '' def belowTitleLine(self, colsPerParam, numResults=None): return r'\noalign{\vskip 3pt}\cline{2-' + str(colsPerParam * numResults + 1) + r'}\noalign{\vskip 3pt}'
[docs]class ResultTable: """ Class for holding a latex table of parameter statistics """ def __init__(self, ncol, results, limit=2, tableParamNames=None, titles=None, formatter=None, numFormatter=None, blockEndParams=None, paramList=None, refResults=None, shiftSigma_indep=False, shiftSigma_subset=False): """ :param ncol: number of columns :param results: a :class:`MargeStats` or :class:`BestFit` instance, or a list of them for comparing different results :param limit: which limit to include (1 is first limit calculated, usually 68%, 2 the second, usually 95%) :param tableParamNames: optional :class:`~.paramnames.ParamNames` instance listing particular parameters to include :param titles: optional titles describing different results :param formatter: a table formatting class :param numFormatter: a number formatting class :param blockEndParams: mark parameters in blocks, ending on this list of parameter names :param paramList: a list of parameter names (strings) to include :param refResults: for showing parameter shifts, a reference :class:`MargeStats` instance to show differences to :param shiftSigma_indep: show parameter shifts in sigma assuming data are independent :param shiftSigma_subset: show parameter shifts in sigma assuming data are a subset of each other """ # results is a margeStats or bestFit table self.lines = [] if formatter is None: self.format = NoLineTableFormatter() else: self.format = formatter self.ncol = ncol if tableParamNames is None: self.tableParamNames = results[0] else: self.tableParamNames = tableParamNames if paramList is not None: self.tableParamNames = self.tableParamNames.filteredCopy(paramList) if numFormatter is not None: self.format.numFormatter = numFormatter self.results = results self.boldBaseParameters = True self.colsPerResult = len(results[0].getColumnLabels(limit)) self.colsPerParam = len(results) * self.colsPerResult self.limit = limit self.refResults = refResults self.shiftSigma_indep = shiftSigma_indep self.shiftSigma_subset = shiftSigma_subset nparams = self.tableParamNames.numParams() numrow = nparams // ncol if nparams % ncol != 0: numrow += 1 rows = [] for par in self.tableParamNames.names[0:numrow]: rows.append([par]) for col in range(1, ncol): for i in range(numrow * col, min(numrow * (col + 1), nparams)): rows[i - numrow * col].append(self.tableParamNames.names[i]) self.lines.append(self.format.startTable(ncol, self.colsPerResult, len(results))) if titles is not None: self.addTitlesRow(titles) self.addHeaderRow() for row in rows[:-1]: self.addFullTableRow(row) if ncol == 1 and blockEndParams is not None and row[0].name in blockEndParams: self.addLine("belowBlockRow") else: self.addLine("belowRow") self.addFullTableRow(rows[-1]) self.addLine("belowFinalRow") self.endTable() def addFullTableRow(self, row): txt = self.format.colSeparator.join(self.paramLabelColumn(param) + self.paramResultsTex(param) for param in row) if not self.ncol == len(row): txt += self.format.colSeparator * ((1 + self.colsPerParam) * (self.ncol - len(row))) self.lines.append(txt + self.format.endofrow) def addLine(self, position): if self.format.getLine(position) is None: # no line is appended if the attribute is None return self.lines else: return self.lines.append(self.format.getLine(position)) def addTitlesRow(self, titles): self.addLine("aboveTitles") cols = [self.format.titleSubColumn(1, '')] cols += [self.format.titleSubColumn(self.colsPerResult, title) for title in titles] self.lines.append(self.format.colSeparator.join(cols * self.ncol) + self.format.endofrow) belowTitleLine = self.format.belowTitleLine(self.colsPerResult, self.colsPerParam // self.colsPerResult) if belowTitleLine: self.lines.append(belowTitleLine) def addHeaderRow(self): self.addLine("aboveHeader") cols = [self.format.headerWrapper % self.format.paramText] for result in self.results: cols += [self.format.headerWrapper % s for s in result.getColumnLabels(self.limit)] self.lines.append(self.format.colSeparator.join(cols * self.ncol) + self.format.endofrow) self.addLine("belowHeader") def paramResultsTex(self, param): return self.format.colSeparator.join(self.paramResultTex(result, param) for result in self.results) def paramResultTex(self, result, p): values = result.texValues(self.format, p, self.limit, self.refResults, shiftSigma_subset=self.shiftSigma_subset, shiftSigma_indep=self.shiftSigma_indep) if values is not None: if len(values) > 1: txt = self.format.textAsColumn(values[1], True, separator=True) else: txt = '' txt += self.format.textAsColumn(values[0], values[0] != self.format.noConstraint) return txt else: return self.format.textAsColumn('') * len(result.getColumnLabels(self.limit)) def paramLabelColumn(self, param): return self.format.textAsColumn(param.getLabel(), True, separator=True, bold=not param.isDerived) def endTable(self): self.lines.append(self.format.endTable())
[docs] def tableTex(self, document=False, latex_preamble=None, packages=('amsmath', 'amssymb', 'bm')): """ Get the latex string for the table :param document: if True, make a full latex file, if False just the snippet for including in another file :param latex_preamble: any preamble to include in the latex file :param packages: list of packages to load """ if document: lines = [r'\documentclass{article}', r'\pagestyle{empty}'] for package in packages: lines.append(r'\usepackage{%s}' % package) lines.append('\\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.5}') if latex_preamble: lines.append(latex_preamble) lines.append('\\begin{document}') lines += self.lines lines.append('\\end{document}') else: lines = self.lines return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def write(self, fname, **kwargs): """ Write the latex for the table to a file :param fname: filename to write :param kwargs: arguments for :func:`~ResultTable.tableTex` """ TextFile(self.tableTex(**kwargs)).write(fname)
[docs] def tablePNG(self, dpi=None, latex_preamble=None, filename=None, bytesIO=False): """ Get a .png file image of the table. You must have latex installed to use this. :param dpi: dpi settings for the png :param latex_preamble: any latex preamble :param filename: filename to save to (defaults to file in the temp directory) :param bytesIO: if True, return a BytesIO instance holding the .png data :return: if bytesIO, the BytesIO instance, otherwise name of the output file """ texfile = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.tex') self.write(texfile, document=True, latex_preamble=latex_preamble) basefile = os.path.splitext(texfile)[0] outfile = filename or basefile + '.png' old_pwd = os.getcwd() def runCommand(command): command += ' 2>%s 1>&2' % os.devnull os.system(command) try: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(texfile)) runCommand('latex %s' % texfile) cmd = 'dvipng' if dpi: cmd += ' -D %s' % dpi cmd += ' -T tight -x 1000 -z 9 --truecolor -o "%s" "%s" ' \ % (outfile, basefile + '.dvi') runCommand(cmd) finally: for f in [basefile + ext for ext in ('.tex', '.dvi', '.aux', '.log')]: if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) os.chdir(old_pwd) if bytesIO: with open(outfile, 'rb') as f: result = BytesIO( os.remove(outfile) return result else: return outfile
[docs]class ParamResults(ParamList): """ Base class for a set of parameter results, inheriting from :class:`~.paramnames.ParamList`, so that self.names is a list of :class:`~.paramnames.ParamInfo` instances for each parameter, which have attribute holding results for the different parameters. """ pass
class LikelihoodChi2: name: str tag: str chisq: float
[docs]class BestFit(ParamResults): """ Class holding the result of a likelihood minimization, inheriting from :class:`ParamResults`. The data is read from a specific formatted text file (.minimum or .bestfit) as output by CosmoMC or Cobaya. """ def __init__(self, fileName=None, setParamNameFile=None, want_fixed=False, max_posterior=True): """ :param fileName: text file to load from, assumed to be in CosmoMC's .minimum format :param setParamNameFile: optional name of .paramnames file listing preferred parameter labels for the parameters :param want_fixed: whether to include values of parameters that are not allowed to vary :param max_posterior: whether the file is a maximum posterior (default) or maximum likelihood """ ParamResults.__init__(self) self.max_posterior = max_posterior if fileName is not None: self.loadFromFile(fileName, want_fixed=want_fixed) if setParamNameFile is not None: self.setLabelsFromParamNames(setParamNameFile) def getColumnLabels(self, **kwargs): return ['Best fit'] def loadFromFile(self, filename, want_fixed=False): textFileLines = self.fileList(filename) first = textFileLines[0].strip().split('=') if first[0].strip() == 'weight': self.weight = float(first[1].strip()) del (textFileLines[0]) first = textFileLines[0].strip().split('=') if first[0].strip() != '-log(Like)': raise Exception('Error in format of parameter (best fit) file') self.logLike = float(first[1].strip()) isFixed = False isDerived = False self.chiSquareds = [] chunks = 0 if len(textFileLines[1].strip()) > 0: del (textFileLines[1]) # if it has chi2 line as well for ix in range(2, len(textFileLines)): line = textFileLines[ix] if len(line.strip()) == 0: chunks += 1 isFixed = not isFixed isDerived = True if chunks == 3: if ix + 2 >= len(textFileLines): break for likePart in textFileLines[ix + 2:]: if len(likePart.strip()) != 0: (chisq, name) = [s.strip() for s in likePart.split(None, 2)][1:] name = [s.strip() for s in name.split(':', 1)] if len(name) > 1: (kind, name) = name else: kind = '' chi2 = LikelihoodChi2() if '=' in name: chi2.tag, = [s.strip() for s in name.split('=')] else: chi2.tag, = None, name chi2.chisq = float(chisq) self.chiSquareds.append((kind, chi2)) break continue if not isFixed or want_fixed: param = ParamInfo() param.isFixed = isFixed param.isDerived = isDerived (param.number, param.best_fit,, param.label) = [s.strip() for s in line.split(None, 3)] param.number = int(param.number) param.best_fit = float(param.best_fit) self.names.append(param) def sortedChiSquareds(self): likes = dict() for kind, val in self.chiSquareds: if kind not in likes: likes[kind] = [] likes[kind].append(val) return sorted(iter(likes.items())) def chiSquareForKindName(self, kind, name): for akind, val in self.chiSquareds: if akind == kind and == name: return val.chisq return None def texValues(self, formatter, p, **kwargs): param = self.parWithName( if param is not None: return [formatter.numberFormatter.formatNumber(param.best_fit)] else: return None def getParamDict(self, include_derived=True): res = dict() for i, name in enumerate(self.names): if include_derived or not name.isDerived: res[] = name.best_fit res['weight'] = 1 res['loglike'] = self.logLike return res
[docs]class ParamLimit: """ Class containing information about a marginalized parameter limit. :ivar lower: lower limit :ivar upper: upper limit :ivar twotail: True if a two-tail limit, False if one-tail :ivar onetail_upper: True if one-tail upper limit :ivar onetail_lower: True if one-tail lower limit """ def __init__(self, minmax, tag='two'): """ :param minmax: a [min,max] tuple with lower and upper limits. Entries be None if no limit. :param tag: a text tag descibing the limit, one of ['two' | '>' | '<' | 'none'] """ self.lower = minmax[0] self.upper = minmax[1] self.twotail = tag == 'two' self.onetail_upper = tag == '>' self.onetail_lower = tag == '<'
[docs] def limitTag(self): """ :return: Short text tag describing the type of limit (one-tail or two tail): - *two*: two-tail limit - *>*: a one-tail upper limit - *<*: a one-tail lower limit - *none*: no limits (both boundaries have high probability) """ if self.twotail: return 'two' elif self.onetail_upper: return '>' elif self.onetail_lower: return '<' else: return 'none'
[docs] def limitType(self): """ :return: a text description of the type of limit. One of: - *two tail* - *one tail upper limit* - *one tail lower limit* - *none* """ if self.twotail: return 'two tail' elif self.onetail_upper: return 'one tail upper limit' elif self.onetail_lower: return 'one tail lower limit' else: return 'none'
def __str__(self): """ :return: string representation of lower and upper bounds, with text description of the limit type """ return "%g %g %s" % (self.lower, self.upper, self.limitTag())
[docs]class MargeStats(ParamResults): """ Stores marginalized 1D parameter statistics, including mean, variance and confidence limits, inheriting from :class:`ParamResults`. Values are stored as attributes of the :class:`~.paramnames.ParamInfo` objects stored in self.names. Use *par= margeStats.parWithName('xxx')* to get the :class:`~.paramnames.ParamInfo` for parameter *xxx*; Values stored are: - *par.mean*: parameter mean - *par.err*: standard deviation - *limits*: list of :class:`~.types.ParamLimit` objects for the stored number of marginalized limits For example to get the first and second lower limits (default 68% and 95%) for parameter *xxx*:: print(margeStats.names.parWithName('xxx').limits[0].lower) print(margeStats.names.parWithName('xxx').limits[1].lower) See :class:`~.types.ParamLimit` for details of limits. """
[docs] def loadFromFile(self, filename): """ Load from a plain text file :param filename: file to load from """ textFileLines = self.fileList(filename) lims = textFileLines[0].split(':')[1] self.limits = [float(s.strip()) for s in lims.split(';')] self.hasBestFit = False for line in textFileLines[3:]: if len(line.strip()) == 0: break param = ParamInfo() items = [s.strip() for s in line.split(None, len(self.limits) * 3 + 3)] = items[0] if[-1] == '*': param.isDerived = True =[:-1] param.mean = float(items[1]) param.err = float(items[2]) param.label = items[-1] param.limits = [] for i in range(len(self.limits)): param.limits.append(ParamLimit([float(s) for s in items[3 + i * 3:5 + i * 3]], items[5 + i * 3])) self.names.append(param)
def headerLine(self, inc_limits=False): parForm = self.parFormat() text = "" text += parForm % "parameter" + " " text += "%-15s" % "mean" text += "%-15s" % "sddev" for j, limit in enumerate(self.limits): if inc_limits: tag = "_%.0f%%" % (limit * 100) limtxt = 'type' else: tag = str(j + 1) limtxt = "limit" + tag text += "%-15s" % ("lower" + tag) text += "%-15s" % ("upper" + tag) text += "%-7s" % limtxt return text, parForm def __str__(self): contours_str = '; '.join([str(c) for c in self.limits]) header, parForm = self.headerLine() text = "" text += "Marginalized limits: %s\n\n" % contours_str text += header text += "\n" for j, par in enumerate(self.names): text += parForm % (, True)) text += "%15.7E%15.7E" % (par.mean, par.err) for lim in par.limits: text += "%15.7E%15.7E %-5s" % (lim.lower, lim.upper, lim.limitTag()) text += " %s\n" % par.label return text def addBestFit(self, bf): self.hasBestFit = True self.logLike = bf.logLike # the next line deletes parameters not in best-fit; # this is good e.g. to get rid of yhe from importance sampled result self.names = [x for x in self.names if bf.parWithName( is not None] for par in self.names: param = bf.parWithName( par.best_fit = param.best_fit par.isDerived = param.isDerived def limitText(self, limit): txt = str(round(self.limits[limit - 1] * 100.)) if txt.endswith(".0"): # e.g. 95.0 -> 95 txt = txt.split(".")[0] return txt def getColumnLabels(self, limit=2): if self.hasBestFit: res = ['Best fit'] else: res = [] return res + [self.limitText(limit) + '\\% limits'] def texValues(self, formatter, p, limit=2, refResults=None, shiftSigma_indep=False, shiftSigma_subset=False): if not isinstance(p, ParamInfo): param = self.parWithName(p) else: param = self.parWithName( if param is not None: lim = param.limits[limit - 1] sf = 3 if'chi2'): # Chi2 for low dof are very skewed, always want mean and sigma or limit res, sigma, _ = formatter.numberFormatter.namesigFigs(param.mean, param.err, param.err, wantSign=False, sci=False) if limit == 1: res += r'\pm ' + sigma else: # in this case give mean and effective dof res += r'\,({\nu\rm{:}\,%.1f})' % (param.err ** 2 / 2) # res, plus_str, minus_str = # formatter.numberFormatter.namesigFigs(param.mean, lim.upper - param.mean, lim.lower, sci=False) # res += '^{' + plus_str + '}_{>' + minus_str + '}' elif lim.twotail: if not formatter.numberFormatter.plusMinusLimit(limit, lim.upper - param.mean, lim.lower - param.mean): res, plus_str, _, exponent = formatter.numberFormatter.namesigFigs(param.mean, param.err, param.err, wantSign=False, sci=True) res += r'\pm ' + plus_str else: res, plus_str, minus_str, exponent = formatter.numberFormatter.namesigFigs(param.mean, lim.upper - param.mean, lim.lower - param.mean, sci=True) res += '^{' + plus_str + '}_{' + minus_str + '}' if exponent: res = r'\left(\,%s\,\right)' % res + times_ten_power(exponent) elif lim.onetail_upper: res, exponent = formatter.numberFormatter.formatNumber(lim.upper, sf, sci=True) res = '< ' + res if exponent: res += times_ten_power(exponent) elif lim.onetail_lower: res, exponent = formatter.numberFormatter.formatNumber(lim.lower, sf, sci=True) res = '> ' + res if exponent: res += times_ten_power(exponent) else: res = formatter.noConstraint if refResults is not None and res != formatter.noConstraint: refVal = refResults.parWithName( if refVal is not None: delta = param.mean - refVal.mean if shiftSigma_indep or shiftSigma_subset: res += r'\quad(' if shiftSigma_subset: # give mean shift in sigma units for subset data (regularized to max sigma/20) subset_sigma = np.sqrt(abs(param.err ** 2 - refVal.err ** 2)) res += '%+.1f \\sigma_s' % (delta / max(subset_sigma, refVal.err / 20)) if shiftSigma_indep: # give mean shift in sigma units for independent data indep_sigma = np.sqrt(param.err ** 2 + refVal.err ** 2) res += ', %+.1f \\sigma_i' % (delta / indep_sigma) res += ')' else: res += r'\quad(%+.1f \\sigma)' % (delta / refVal.err) if self.hasBestFit: # add best fit too rangew = (lim.upper - lim.lower) / 10 bestfit, _, _, exponent = formatter.numberFormatter.namesigFigs(param.best_fit, rangew, -rangew, sci=True) if exponent: bestfit += times_ten_power(exponent) return [res, bestfit] return [res] else: return None
[docs]class LikeStats(ParamResults): """ Stores likelihood-related statistics, including best-fit sample and extremal values of the N-D confidence region, inheriting from :class:`ParamResults`. TODO: currently only saves to text, does not load full data from file """ def loadFromFile(self, filename): textFileLines = self.fileList(filename) results = dict() for line in textFileLines: if len(line.strip()) == 0: break name, value = [x.strip() for x in line.split('=')] results[name] = float(value) self.logLike_sample = results.get('Best fit sample -log(Like)', None) self.logMeanInvLike = results.get('Ln(mean 1/like)', None) self.meanLogLike = results.get('mean(-Ln(like))', None) self.logMeanLike = results.get('-Ln(mean like)', None) self.complexity = results.get('complexity', None) # TODO: load N-D limits def likeSummary(self): text = "Best fit sample -log(Like) = %f\n" % self.logLike_sample if self.logMeanInvLike: text += "Ln(mean 1/like) = %f\n" % self.logMeanInvLike text += "mean(-Ln(like)) = %f\n" % self.meanLogLike text += "-Ln(mean like) = %f\n" % self.logMeanLike # text += "complexity = %f\n" % self.complexity return text def headerLine(self): return self.parFormat() % "parameter" + ' bestfit lower1 upper1 lower2 upper2\n' def __str__(self): text = self.likeSummary() parForm = self.parFormat() if len(self.names): text += "\n" text += self.headerLine() for j, par in enumerate(self.names): text += parForm % (, True)) text += '%15.7E%15.7E%15.7E%15.7E%15.7E %s\n' % (par.bestfit_sample, par.ND_limit_bot[0], par.ND_limit_top[0], par.ND_limit_bot[1], par.ND_limit_top[1], par.label) return text
[docs]class ConvergeStats(ParamResults): def loadFromFile(self, filename): try: textFileLines = self.fileList(filename) self.R_eigs = [] for i in range(len(textFileLines)): if textFileLines[i].find('var(mean)') >= 0: for line in textFileLines[i + 1:]: if len(line.strip()) == 0: break try: self.R_eigs.append(line.split()[1]) except Exception: self.R_eigs.append('1e30') elif 'Parameter auto-correlations' in textFileLines[i]: self.auto_correlation_steps = [int(s) for s in textFileLines[i + 2].split()] self.auto_correlations = [] self.auto_correlation_pars = [] for line in textFileLines[i + 3:]: if len(line.strip()) == 0: break items = line.split(None, len(self.auto_correlation_steps) + 1) self.auto_correlation_pars.append(items[0]) self.auto_correlations.append([float(s) for s in items[1:-1]]) except: print('Error reading: ' + filename) raise def worstR(self): return self.R_eigs[len(self.R_eigs) - 1]