Source code for getdist.gaussian_mixtures

import numpy as np
from getdist.densities import Density1D, Density2D
from getdist.paramnames import ParamNames
from getdist.mcsamples import MCSamples
import copy

def make_2D_Cov(sigmax, sigmay, corr):
    return np.array([[sigmax ** 2, sigmax * sigmay * corr], [sigmax * sigmay * corr, sigmay ** 2]])

[docs]class MixtureND: """ Gaussian mixture model with optional boundary ranges. Includes functions for generating samples and projecting. """ def __init__(self, means, covs, weights=None, lims=None, names=None, label='', labels=None): """ :param means: list of y for each Gaussian in the mixture :param covs: list of covariances for the Gaussians in the mixture :param weights: optional weight for each component (defaults to equal weight) :param lims: optional list of hard limits for each parameter, [[x1min,x1max], [x2min,x2max]]; use None for no limit :param names: list of names (strings) for each parameter. If not set, set to "param1", "param2"... :param label: name for labelling this mixture :param labels: list of latex labels for each parameter. If not set, defaults to p_{1}, p_{2}... """ self.means = np.asarray(means) self.dim = self.means.shape[1] self.covs = [np.array(cov) for cov in covs] self.invcovs = [np.linalg.inv(cov) for cov in self.covs] if weights is None: weights = [1. / len(means)] * len(means) self.weights = np.array(weights, dtype=np.float64) if np.sum(self.weights) <= 0: raise ValueError('Weight <= 0 in MixtureND') self.weights /= np.sum(weights) self.norms = (2 * np.pi) ** (0.5 * self.dim) * np.array([np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(cov)) for cov in self.covs]) self.lims = lims self.paramNames = ParamNames(names=names, default=self.dim, labels=labels) self.names = self.paramNames.list() self.label = label self.total_mean = np.atleast_1d(, self.means)) self.total_cov = np.zeros((self.dim, self.dim)) for mean, cov, weight, totmean in zip(self.means, self.covs, self.weights, self.total_mean): self.total_cov += weight * (cov + np.outer(mean - totmean, mean - totmean))
[docs] def sim(self, size): """ Generate an array of independent samples :param size: number of samples :return: 2D array of sample values """ tot = 0 res = [] block = None while True: for num, mean, cov in zip(np.random.multinomial(block or size, self.weights), self.means, self.covs): if num > 0: v = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, size=num) if self.lims is not None: for i, (mn, mx) in enumerate(self.lims): if mn is not None: v = v[v[:, i] >= mn] if mx is not None: v = v[v[:, i] <= mx] tot += v.shape[0] res.append(v) if tot >= size: break if block is None: block = min(max(size, 100000), int(1.1 * (size * (size - tot))) // max(tot, 1) + 1) samples = np.vstack(res) if len(res) > 1: samples = np.random.permutation(samples) if tot != size: samples = samples[:-(tot - size), :] return samples
[docs] def MCSamples(self, size, names=None, logLikes=False, **kwargs): """ Gets a set of independent samples from the mixture as a :class:`.mcsamples.MCSamples` object ready for plotting etc. :param size: number of samples :param names: set to override existing names :param logLikes: if True set the sample likelihood values from the pdf, if false, don't store log likelihoods :return: a new :class:`.mcsamples.MCSamples` instance """ samples = self.sim(size) if logLikes: loglikes = -np.log(self.pdf(samples)) else: loglikes = None return MCSamples(samples=samples, loglikes=loglikes, paramNamesFile=copy.deepcopy(self.paramNames), names=names, ranges=self.lims, **kwargs)
def autoRanges(self, sigma_max=4, lims=None): res = [] if lims is None: lims = self.lims if lims is None: lims = [(None, None) for _ in range(self.dim)] for i, (mn, mx) in enumerate(lims): covmin = None covmax = None if mn is None or mx is None: for mean, cov in zip(self.means, self.covs): sigma = np.sqrt(cov[i, i]) xmin, xmax = mean[i] - sigma_max * sigma, mean[i] + sigma_max * sigma if mn is not None: xmax = max(xmax, mn + sigma_max * sigma) if mx is not None: xmin = min(xmin, mx - sigma_max * sigma) covmin = min(xmin, covmin) if covmin is not None else xmin covmax = max(xmax, covmax) if covmax is not None else xmax res.append((covmin if mn is None else mn, covmax if mx is None else mx)) return res
[docs] def pdf(self, x): """ Calculate the PDF. Note this assumes x is within the boundaries (does not return zero outside) Result is also only normalized if no boundaries. :param x: array of parameter values to evaluate at :return: pdf at x """ tot = None x = np.asarray(x) for i, (mean, icov, weight, norm) in enumerate(zip(self.means, self.invcovs, self.weights, self.norms)): dx = x - mean if len(x.shape) == 1: res = np.exp( / 2) / norm else: res = np.exp(-np.einsum('ik,km,im->i', dx, icov, dx) / 2) / norm if not i: tot = res * weight else: tot += res * weight return tot
[docs] def pdf_marged(self, index, x, no_limit_marge=False): """ Calculate the 1D marginalized PDF. Only works if no other parameter limits are marginalized :param index: index or name of parameter :param x: value to evaluate PDF at :param no_limit_marge: if true don't raise an error if mixture has limits :return: marginalized 1D pdf at x """ if isinstance(index, str): index = self.names.index(index) if not no_limit_marge: self.checkNoLimits([index]) tot = None for i, (mean, cov, weight) in enumerate(zip(self.means, self.covs, self.weights)): dx = x - mean[index] var = cov[index, index] res = np.exp(-dx ** 2 / var / 2) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * var) if not i: tot = res * weight else: tot += res * weight return tot
[docs] def density1D(self, index=0, num_points=1024, sigma_max=4, no_limit_marge=False): """ Get 1D marginalized density. Only works if no hard limits in other parameters. :param index: parameter name or index :param num_points: number of grid points to evaluate PDF :param sigma_max: maximum number of standard deviations away from y to include in computed range :param no_limit_marge: if true don't raise error if limits on other parameters :return: :class:`~.densities.Density1D` instance """ if isinstance(index, str): index = self.names.index(index) if not no_limit_marge: self.checkNoLimits([index]) mn, mx = self.autoRanges(sigma_max)[index] x = np.linspace(mn, mx, num_points) like = self.pdf_marged(index, x) return Density1D(x, like)
[docs] def density2D(self, params=None, num_points=1024, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, sigma_max=5): """ Get 2D marginalized density for a pair of parameters. :param params: list of two parameter names or indices to use. If already 2D, can be None. :param num_points: number of grid points for evaluation :param xmin: optional lower value for first parameter :param xmax: optional upper value for first parameter :param ymin: optional lower value for second parameter :param ymax: optional upper value for second parameter :param sigma_max: maximum number of standard deviations away from mean to include in calculated range :return: :class:`~.densities.Density2D` instance """ if self.dim > 2 or params is not None or not isinstance(self, Mixture2D): mixture = self.marginalizedMixture(params=params) elif self.dim != 2: raise Exception('density2D requires at least two dimensions') else: mixture = self return mixture._density2D(num_points=num_points, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, sigma_max=sigma_max)
def _params_to_indices(self, params): indices = [] if params is None: params = self.names for p in params: if isinstance(p, str): indices.append(self.names.index(p)) elif hasattr(p, 'name'): indices.append(self.names.index( else: indices.append(p) return indices
[docs] def marginalizedMixture(self, params, label=None, no_limit_marge=False): """ Calculates a reduced mixture model by marginalization over unwanted parameters :param params: array of parameter names or indices to retain. If none, will simply return a copy of this mixture. :param label: optional label for the marginalized mixture :param no_limit_marge: if true don't raise an error if mixture has limits. :return: a new marginalized :class:`MixtureND` instance """ indices = self._params_to_indices(params) if not no_limit_marge: self.checkNoLimits(indices) indices = np.array(indices) if self.names is not None: names = [self.names[i] for i in indices] else: names = None if self.lims is not None: lims = [self.lims[i] for i in indices] else: lims = None if label is None: label = self.label covs = [cov[np.ix_(indices, indices)] for cov in self.covs] means = [mean[indices] for mean in self.means] if len(indices) == 2: tp = Mixture2D else: tp = MixtureND mixture = tp(means, covs, self.weights, lims=lims, names=names, label=label) mixture.paramNames.setLabelsAndDerivedFromParamNames(self.paramNames) return mixture
[docs] def conditionalMixture(self, fixed_params, fixed_param_values, label=None): """ Returns a reduced conditional mixture model for the distribution when certainly parameters are fixed. :param fixed_params: list of names or numbers of parameters to fix :param fixed_param_values: list of values for the fixed parameters :param label: optional label for the new mixture :return: A new :class:`MixtureND` instance with cov_i = Projection(Cov_i^{-1})^{-1} and shifted conditional y """ fixed_params = self._params_to_indices(fixed_params) self.checkNoLimits(fixed_params) keep_params = [i for i in range(self.dim) if i not in fixed_params] if not len(keep_params): raise ValueError('conditionalMixture must leave at least one non-fixed parameter') new_means = [] new_covs = [] new_weights = [] for mean, cov, invcov, weight in zip(self.means, self.covs, self.invcovs, self.weights): deltas = np.asarray(fixed_param_values) - mean[fixed_params] new_cov = np.linalg.inv(invcov[np.ix_(keep_params, keep_params)]) new_mean = mean[keep_params] -[np.ix_(keep_params, fixed_params)].dot(deltas)) if len(self.weights) == 1 and False: logw = 0 else: logw = invcov[np.ix_(fixed_params, fixed_params)].dot(deltas).dot(deltas) \ + np.log(np.linalg.det(cov[np.ix_(fixed_params, fixed_params)] - cov[np.ix_(fixed_params, keep_params)] .dot(np.linalg.inv(cov[np.ix_(keep_params, keep_params)]) .dot(cov[np.ix_(keep_params, fixed_params)])))) new_weights.append(logw) new_means.append(new_mean) new_covs.append(new_cov) new_weights = np.exp(-(np.asarray(new_weights) - min(new_weights)) / 2) if self.names is not None: names = [self.names[i] for i in keep_params] else: names = None mixture = MixtureND(new_means, new_covs, new_weights, names=names, label=label) mixture.paramNames.setLabelsAndDerivedFromParamNames(self.paramNames) return mixture
def checkNoLimits(self, keep_params): if self.lims is None: return for i, lim in enumerate(self.lims): if i not in keep_params and (lim[0] is not None or lim[1] is not None): raise Exception( 'In general can only marginalize analytically if no hard boundary limits: ' + self.label) def getUpper(self, name): if self.lims is None: return None return self.lims[self.names.index(name)][1] def getLower(self, name): if self.lims is None: return None return self.lims[self.names.index(name)][1]
[docs]class Mixture2D(MixtureND): """ Gaussian mixture model in 2D with optional boundaries for fixed x and y ranges """ def __init__(self, means, covs, weights=None, lims=None, names=('x', 'y'), xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, **kwargs): """ :param means: list of y for each Gaussian in the mixture :param covs: list of covariances for the Gaussians in the mixture. Instead of 2x2 arrays, each cov can also be a list of [sigma_x, sigma_y, correlation] parameters :param weights: optional weight for each component (defaults to equal weight) :param lims: optional list of hard limits for each parameter, [[x1min,x1max], [x2min,x2max]]; use None for no limit :param names: list of names (strings) for each parameter. If not set, set to x, y :param xmin: optional lower hard bound for x :param xmax: optional upper hard bound for x :param ymin: optional lower hard bound for y :param ymax: optional upper hard bound for y :param kwargs: arguments passed to :class:`MixtureND` """ if lims is not None: limits = self._updateLimits(lims, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) else: limits = [(xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)] mats = [] for cov in covs: if isinstance(cov, (list, tuple)) and len(cov) == 3 and not isinstance(cov[0], (list, tuple)): mats.append(make_2D_Cov(*cov)) else: mats.append(cov) MixtureND.__init__(self, means, mats, weights, limits, names=names, **kwargs) def _updateLimits(self, lims, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None): xmin = xmin if xmin is not None else lims[0][0] xmax = xmax if xmax is not None else lims[0][1] ymin = ymin if ymin is not None else lims[1][0] ymax = ymax if ymax is not None else lims[1][1] return [(xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)] def _density2D(self, num_points=1024, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, sigma_max=5): lims = self._updateLimits(self.lims, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax) = self.autoRanges(sigma_max, lims=lims) x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, num_points) y = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, num_points) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) like = self.pdf(xx, yy) return Density2D(x, y, like)
[docs] def pdf(self, x, y=None): """ Calculate the PDF. Note this assumes x and y are within the boundaries (does not return zero outside) Result is also only normalized if no boundaries :param x: value of x to evaluate pdf :param y: optional value of y to evaluate pdf. If not specified, returns 1D marginalized value for x. :return: value of pdf at x or x,y """ if y is None: return super().pdf(x) tot = None for i, (mean, icov, weight, norm) in enumerate(zip(self.means, self.invcovs, self.weights, self.norms)): dx = x - mean[0] dy = y - mean[1] res = np.exp(-(dx ** 2 * icov[0, 0] + 2 * dx * dy * icov[0, 1] + dy ** 2 * icov[1, 1]) / 2) / norm if not i: tot = res * weight else: tot += res * weight return tot
[docs]class Gaussian2D(Mixture2D): """ Simple special case of a 2D Gaussian mixture model with only one Gaussian component """ def __init__(self, mean, cov, **kwargs): """ :param mean: 2 element array with mean :param cov: 2x2 array of covariance, or list of [sigma_x, sigma_y, correlation] values :param kwargs: arguments passed to :class:`Mixture2D` """ super().__init__([mean], [cov], **kwargs)
[docs]class GaussianND(MixtureND): """ Simple special case of a Gaussian mixture model with only one Gaussian component """ def __init__(self, mean, cov, is_inv_cov=False, **kwargs): """ :param mean: array specifying y of parameters :param cov: covariance matrix (or filename of text file with covariance matrix) :param is_inv_cov: set True if cov is actually an inverse covariance :param kwargs: arguments passed to :class:`MixtureND` """ if isinstance(mean, str): mean = np.loadtxt(mean) if isinstance(cov, str): cov = np.loadtxt(cov) if is_inv_cov: cov = np.linalg.inv(cov) super().__init__([mean], [cov], **kwargs)
[docs]class Mixture1D(MixtureND): """ Gaussian mixture model in 1D with optional boundaries for fixed ranges """ def __init__(self, means, sigmas, weights=None, lims=None, name='x', xmin=None, xmax=None, **kwargs): """ :param means: array of y for each component :param sigmas: array of standard deviations for each component :param weights: weights for each component (defaults to equal weight) :param lims: optional array limits for each component :param name: parameter name (default 'x') :param xmin: optional lower limit :param xmax: optional upper limit :param kwargs: arguments passed to :class:`MixtureND` """ if lims is not None: limits = [(xmin if xmin is not None else lims[0], xmax if xmax is not None else lims[1])] else: limits = [(xmin, xmax)] covs = [np.atleast_2d(sigma ** 2) for sigma in sigmas] means = [[mean] for mean in means] MixtureND.__init__(self, means, covs, weights, limits, names=[name], **kwargs)
[docs] def pdf(self, x): return self.pdf_marged(0, x)
[docs]class Gaussian1D(Mixture1D): """ Simple 1D Gaussian """ def __init__(self, mean, sigma, **kwargs): """ :param mean: mean :param sigma: standard deviation :param kwargs: arguments passed to :class:`Mixture1D` """ super().__init__([mean], [sigma], **kwargs)
[docs]class RandomTestMixtureND(MixtureND): """ class for randomly generating an N-D gaussian mixture for testing (a mixture with random parameters, not random samples from the mixture). """ def __init__(self, ndim=4, ncomponent=1, names=None, weights=None, seed=0, label='RandomMixture'): """ :param ndim: number of dimensions :param ncomponent: number of components :param names: names for the parameters :param weights: weights for each component :param seed: random seed :param label: label for the generated mixture """ if seed: np.random.seed(seed) covs = [] for _ in range(ncomponent): A = np.random.rand(ndim, ndim) covs.append(, A.T)) super().__init__(np.random.rand(ncomponent, ndim), covs, weights=weights, lims=None, names=names, label=label)
[docs]def randomTestMCSamples(ndim=4, ncomponent=1, nsamp=10009, nMCSamples=1, seed=10, names=None, labels=None): """ get a list of MCSamples instances with random samples from random covariances and y """ if seed: np.random.seed(seed) if names is None: names = ["x%s" % i for i in range(ndim)] if labels is None: labels = ["x_{%s}" % i for i in range(ndim)] return [RandomTestMixtureND(ndim, ncomponent, names).MCSamples(nsamp, labels=labels, name_tag='Sim %s' % (i + 1)) for i in range(nMCSamples)]