Source code for getdist.cosmosis_interface

File with tools to interface Cosmosis runs with GetDist.

chain = loadMCSamples('./../test_chains/1p2_SN1_zcut0p3_abs')
chain_root = './../test_chains/d_1sigD_s8/d_TTlite_1sigD_s8_noisy_poly_chain'
chain_root = './../test_chains/d_1sigD_s8'

import os
import numpy as np
from getdist.chains import loadNumpyTxt
from getdist.mcsamples import MCSamples
from getdist.types import BestFit
from getdist.paramnames import ParamInfo

[docs]def MCSamplesFromCosmosis(chain_root, param_label_dict=None, name_tag=None, settings=None): """ Function to import Cosmosis chains in GetDist. :param chain_root: the name and path to the chain or the path to the folder that contains it. :param param_label_dict: dictionary with the mapping between parameter names and parameter labels, since Cosmosis does not save the labels in the chain. :param name_tag: a string with the name tag for the chain. :param settings: dictionary of analysis settings to override defaults :return: The :class:`MCSamples` instance """ # decide if the user passed a folder or a chain: if os.path.isfile(chain_root+'.txt'): chain_file = chain_root+'.txt' elif os.path.isdir(chain_root): # look for the chain file: temp = list(filter(lambda x: 'chain.txt' in x, os.listdir(chain_root))) if len(temp) == 0: raise ValueError('No chain file found in folder', chain_root) chain_file = chain_root+'/'+temp[0] else: raise ValueError('Input chain root is not a folder nor a file.') # get all the commented lines in the chain file: info = get_cosmosis_info(chain_file) # get the parameter names: param_names = get_param_names(info) # get the parameter labels from the user provided dictionary: param_labels = get_param_labels(info, param_names, param_label_dict) # get the sampler: sampler = get_sampler_type(info) # get the name tag: name_tag = get_name_tag(info) # get the samples weights and likelihood: chain = loadNumpyTxt(chain_file, skiprows=0) # parse the chain depending on the sampler that produced it: if sampler == 'nested': # get number of samples to use: nsamples = int(list(filter(lambda x: 'nsample=' in x, info)) [0].split('=')[1]) # get the chain: chain = chain[-nsamples:] # get all quantities: indexes = [i for i in range(len(param_names)) if i != param_names.index('weight') and i != param_names.index('post')] samples = chain[:, indexes] weights = chain[:, param_names.index('weight')] loglike = chain[:, param_names.index('post')] # delete the weights and likelihood from names: if param_labels is not None: param_labels.pop(param_names.index('weight')) param_labels.pop(param_names.index('post')) param_names.pop(param_names.index('weight')) param_names.pop(param_names.index('post')) elif sampler == 'uncorrelated': # get all quantities: indexes = [i for i in range(len(param_names)) if i != param_names.index('post')] samples = chain[:, indexes] loglike = chain[:, param_names.index('post')] weights = None # delete the weights and likelihood from names: if param_labels is not None: param_labels.pop(param_names.index('post')) param_names.pop(param_names.index('post')) else: raise ValueError('Unknown sampler') # get the ranges: ranges = get_ranges(info, param_names) # initialize the samples: mc_samples = MCSamples(samples=samples, weights=weights, loglikes=loglike, sampler=sampler, names=param_names, labels=param_labels, ranges=ranges, ignore_rows=0, name_tag=name_tag, settings=settings) # set running parameters: for name in mc_samples.getParamNames().parsWithNames( mc_samples.getParamNames().list()): if in ranges.keys(): name.isDerived = False else: name.isDerived = True # polish the samples removing nans: mc_samples = polish_samples(mc_samples) # get the best fit: try: mc_samples.bestfit = get_maximum_likelihood(chain_root, param_label_dict) except ValueError: pass # update statistics: mc_samples.updateBaseStatistics() # return mc_samples
[docs]def get_cosmosis_info(file): """ Parse a file to get all the information about a Cosmosis run. :param file: path and name of the file to parse. :return: a list of strings with the cosmosis parameters for the run. """ with open(file, 'r') as _file: info = [] for ln in _file: if ln.startswith('#'): info.append(ln[1:]) # polish the info strings: info = list(filter(None, [line.replace('#', '').strip() for line in info])) # return info
[docs]def get_param_names(info): """ Get the parameter names for a Cosmosis run. :param info: a list of strings with the cosmosis parameters for the run. :return: a list of strings with the parameter names. """ return info[0].split('\t')
[docs]def get_param_labels(info, param_names, param_label_dict): """ Get the labels for the parameter names of a Cosmosis run. :param info: a list of strings with the cosmosis parameters for the run. :param param_names: a list of strings with the parameter names. :param param_label_dict: a dictionary with the mapping between names and labels. :return: a list of strings with the parameter labels. """ if param_label_dict is not None: param_labels = [] for name in param_names: if name in param_label_dict.keys(): param_labels.append(param_label_dict[name]) else: param_labels.append(name) else: param_labels = None # return param_labels
[docs]def get_sampler_type(info): """ Get the sampler type for a chain given the a list of strings containing the cosmosis run parameter informations. To process the sampler type the function defines internally a dictionary with the mapping from sampler name to sampler type. :param info: a list of strings with the cosmosis parameters for the run. :return: a string with the sampler type if any, otherwise returns none. """ # define the dictionary with the mapping: sampler_dict = { 'polychord': 'nested', 'apriori': 'uncorrelated', 'pmaxlike': 'max_like' } # find the sampler in the parameters: temp = list(filter(lambda x: 'sampler' in x, info)) if len(temp) > 0: sampler = temp[0].split('=')[1].lower() if sampler in sampler_dict.keys(): sampler = sampler_dict[sampler] else: raise ValueError('Unknown input sampler') else: sampler = None # return sampler
[docs]def get_name_tag(info): """ Get the name tag for a chain given the a list of strings containing the cosmosis run parameter informations. :param info: a list of strings with the cosmosis parameters for the run. :return: a string with the name tag if any, otherwise returns none. """ temp = list(filter(lambda x: 'run_name' in x, info)) if len(temp) > 0: name_tag = temp[0].split('=')[1].lower() else: name_tag = None # return name_tag
[docs]def get_ranges(info, param_names): """ Get the ranges for the parameters from the info file. :param info: a list of strings with the cosmosis parameters for the run. :param param_names: a list with the parameter names. :return: a dictionary with the parameter ranges. """ ranges = {} for name in param_names: try: # look for the section: section = '['+name.split('--')[0]+']' pname = name.split('--')[1] section_index = info.index(section) temp = list(filter(lambda x: pname in x[1] and x[0] > section_index, enumerate(info)))[0][1] _min = float(list(filter(None, temp.split(' ')))[2]) _max = float(list(filter(None, temp.split(' ')))[4]) ranges[name] = [_min, _max] except: pass # return ranges
[docs]def get_maximum_likelihood(chain_root, param_label_dict): """ Import the maximum likelihood file for a Cosmosis run, if present. :param chain_root: name of the chain file or the folder that contains it. :param param_label_dict: dictionary with the mapping between the parameter names and the labels. :return: :class:`~getdist.types.BestFit` the best fit object. """ # decide if the user passed a folder or a chain: if os.path.isfile(chain_root+'.txt'): minimum_file = chain_root+'.txt' elif os.path.isdir(chain_root): # look for the chain file: temp = list(filter(lambda x: 'chain_pmaxlike.txt' in x, os.listdir(chain_root))) if len(temp) == 0: raise ValueError('No minimum file found in folder', chain_root) minimum_file = chain_root+'/'+temp[0] else: raise ValueError('Input chain root is not a folder nor a file.') # get the info: info = get_cosmosis_info(minimum_file) # check the sampler: sampler = get_sampler_type(info) if sampler != 'max_like': raise ValueError('Minimum file appears to have a strange sampler:', sampler) # get the parameter names: param_names = get_param_names(info) # get the parameter labels from the user provided dictionary: param_labels = get_param_labels(info, param_names, param_label_dict) # best fit: best_fit = BestFit() # set parameter names: best_fit.names = [ParamInfo(name) for name in param_names] if param_labels is not None: for name, label in zip(best_fit.names, param_labels): name.label = label # get the numbers: best_fit_params = loadNumpyTxt(minimum_file, skiprows=0)[0] # look for weight: if 'weigth' in param_names: best_fit.weight = best_fit_params[param_names.index('weigth')] else: best_fit.weight = 1.0 # look for log like: if 'post' in param_names: best_fit.logLike = -best_fit_params[param_names.index('post')] else: raise ValueError('Best fit file does not contain the best fit like') # correct log likes in getdist format: if 'post' in param_names: best_fit_params[param_names.index('post')] = \ -best_fit_params[param_names.index('post')] if 'prior' in param_names: best_fit_params[param_names.index('prior')] = \ -best_fit_params[param_names.index('prior')] if 'like' in param_names: best_fit_params[param_names.index('like')] = \ -best_fit_params[param_names.index('like')] # get the data chi squareds: best_fit.chiSquareds = [] # get the ranges to get the running parameters: ranges = get_ranges(info, param_names) # now initialize all parameters: for ind, param in enumerate(best_fit.names): param.isDerived = not in ranges.keys() param.number = ind param.best_fit = best_fit_params[ind] # return best_fit
[docs]def polish_samples(chain): """ Remove fixed parameters and samples with some parameter that is Nan from the input chain. :param chain: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` the input chain. :return: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` the polished chain. """ # delete fixed parameters: chain.deleteFixedParams() # we need to delete nan columns: fixed = [] values = [] for i in range(chain.samples.shape[1]): if np.all(np.isnan(chain.samples[:, i])): fixed.append(i) values.append(chain.samples[0, i]) chain.changeSamples(np.delete(chain.samples, fixed, 1)) if hasattr(chain, 'ranges'): for ix, value in zip(fixed, values): chain.ranges.setFixed(chain.paramNames.names[ix].name, value) chain.paramNames.deleteIndices(fixed) chain._getParamIndices() # now we need to delete nan samples: nan_filter = np.all(np.logical_not(np.isnan(chain.samples)), axis=1) chain.filter(where=nan_filter) # return chain