Source code for getdist.cobaya_interface

# JT 2017-19

from importlib import import_module
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
import os
from typing import Mapping

# Conventions
_label = "label"
_prior = "prior"
_theory = "theory"
_params = "params"
_likelihood = "likelihood"
_sampler = "sampler"
_p_label = "latex"
_p_dist = "dist"
_p_value = "value"
_p_derived = "derived"
_p_renames = "renames"
_separator = "__"
_minuslogprior = "minuslogprior"
_prior_1d_name = "0"
_chi2 = "chi2"
_weight = "weight"
_minuslogpost = "minuslogpost"
_post = "post"

def cobaya_params_file(root):
    file = root + ('' if root.endswith((os.sep, "/")) else '.') + 'updated.yaml'
    if os.path.exists(file):
        return file
        file = root + ('' if root.endswith((os.sep, "/")) else '__') + 'full.yaml'
        if os.path.exists(file):
            return file
    return None

def yaml_file_or_dict(file_or_dict) -> Mapping:
    if isinstance(file_or_dict, str):
        from getdist.yaml_tools import yaml_load_file
        return yaml_load_file(file_or_dict)
    elif isinstance(file_or_dict, Mapping):
        return file_or_dict
        raise ValueError('Cobya parameter input must be a dictionary or filename')

[docs]def MCSamplesFromCobaya(info, collections, name_tag=None, ignore_rows=0, ini=None, settings=None): """ Creates a set of samples from Cobaya's output. Parameter names, ranges and labels are taken from the "info" dictionary (always use the "updated" one generated by ``). For a description of the various analysis settings and default values see `analysis_defaults.ini <>`_. :param collections: collection(s) of samples from Cobaya :param info: info dictionary, common to all collections (use the "updated" one, returned by ``) :param name_tag: name for this sample to be shown in the plots' legend :param ignore_rows: initial samples to skip, number (`int>=1`) or fraction (`float<1`) :param ini: The name of a .ini file with analysis settings to use :param settings: dictionary of analysis settings to override defaults :return: The :class:`MCSamples` instance """ if hasattr(collections, "data"): collections = [collections] # Check consistency between collections try: columns = list(collections[0].data) except AttributeError: raise TypeError( "The second argument does not appear to be a (list of) samples `Collection`.") if not all(list( == columns for c in collections[1:]): raise ValueError("The given collections don't have the same columns.") # Check consistency with info info_params = get_info_params(info) # if skip burn in *has already been done* skip = info.get(_post, {}).get("skip", 0) if ignore_rows != 0 and skip != 0: logging.warning("You are asking for rows to be ignored (%r), but some (%r) were " "already ignored in the original chain.", ignore_rows, skip) var_params = [k for k, v in info_params.items() if is_sampled_param(v) or is_derived_param(v)] assert set(columns[2:]) == set(var_params), ( "Info and collection(s) are not compatible, because their parameters differ: " "the collection(s) have %r and the info has %r. " % (columns[2:], var_params) + "Are you sure that you are using an *updated* info dictionary " "(i.e. the output of ``)?") # We need to use *collection* sorting, not info sorting! names = [p + ("*" if is_derived_param(info_params[p]) else "") for p in columns[2:]] labels = [(info_params[p] or {}).get(_p_label, p) for p in columns[2:]] ranges = {p: get_range(info_params[p]) for p in info_params} # include fixed parameters not in columns renames = {p: info_params.get(p, {}).get(_p_renames, []) for p in columns[2:]} samples = [c[[2:]].values for c in collections] weights = [c[_weight].values for c in collections] loglikes = [-c[_minuslogpost].values for c in collections] sampler = get_sampler_type(info) label = get_sample_label(info) from getdist.mcsamples import MCSamples return MCSamples(samples=samples, weights=weights, loglikes=loglikes, sampler=sampler, names=names, labels=labels, ranges=ranges, renames=renames, ignore_rows=ignore_rows, name_tag=name_tag, label=label, ini=ini, settings=settings)
[docs]def get_info_params(info): """ Extracts parameter info from the new yaml format. """ info = yaml_file_or_dict(info) # Prune fixed parameters info_params = info.get(_params) info_params_full = dict() for p, pinfo in info_params.items(): info_params_full[p] = info_params[p] # Add prior and likelihoods priors = [_prior_1d_name] + list(info.get(_prior) or []) likes = list(info.get(_likelihood)) # Account for post remove = info.get(_post, {}).get("remove", {}) for param in remove.get(_params, []) or []: info_params_full.pop(param, None) for like in remove.get(_likelihood, []) or []: likes.remove(like) for prior in remove.get(_prior, []) or []: priors.remove(prior) add = info.get(_post, {}).get("add", {}) # Adding derived params and updating 1d priors for param, pinfo in add.get(_params, {}).items(): pinfo_old = info_params_full.get(param, {}) pinfo_old.update(pinfo) info_params_full[param] = pinfo_old likes += list(add.get(_likelihood, [])) priors += list(add.get(_prior, [])) # Add the prior and the likelihood as derived parameters info_params_full[_minuslogprior] = {_p_label: r"-\log\pi"} for prior in priors: info_params_full[_minuslogprior + _separator + prior] = { _p_label: r"-\log\pi_\mathrm{" + prior.replace("_", r"\ ") + r"}"} info_params_full[_chi2] = {_p_label: r"\chi^2"} for like in likes: info_params_full[_chi2 + _separator + like] = { _p_label: r"\chi^2_\mathrm{" + like.replace("_", r"\ ") + r"}"} return info_params_full
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable def get_range(param_info): # Sampled if is_sampled_param(param_info): info_lims = dict((tag, param_info[_prior].get(tag)) for tag in ["min", "max", "loc", "scale"]) if info_lims["min"] is not None or info_lims["max"] is not None: lims = [param_info[_prior].get("min"), param_info[_prior].get("max")] elif info_lims["loc"] is not None or info_lims["scale"] is not None: dist = param_info[_prior].pop(_p_dist, "uniform") pdf_dist = getattr(import_module("scipy.stats", dist), dist) lims = pdf_dist.interval(1, **param_info[_prior]) # Derived elif is_derived_param(param_info): lims = (lambda i: [i.get("min", -np.inf), i.get("max", np.inf)])(param_info or {}) # Fixed else: value = fixed_value(param_info) try: value = float(value) except ValueError: # e.g. lambda function values lims = (lambda i: [i.get("min", -np.inf), i.get("max", np.inf)])(param_info or {}) else: lims = (value, value) return lims[0] if lims[0] != -np.inf else None, lims[1] if lims[1] != np.inf else None
[docs]def fixed_value(info_param): """ Returns True if the parameter has been fixed to a value or through a function. """ return expand_info_param(info_param).get(_p_value, None)
[docs]def is_fixed_param(info_param): """ Returns True if the parameter has been fixed to a value or through a function. """ return fixed_value(info_param) is not None
def is_parameter_with_range(info_param): value = fixed_value(info_param) return value is None or isinstance(value, Number) or is_derived_param(info_param)
[docs]def is_sampled_param(info_param): """ Returns True if the parameter has a prior. """ return _prior in expand_info_param(info_param)
[docs]def is_derived_param(info_param): """ Returns True if the parameter is saved as a derived one. """ return expand_info_param(info_param).get(_p_derived, False)
[docs]def expand_info_param(info_param): """ Expands the info of a parameter, from the user friendly, shorter format to a more unambiguous one. """ if not isinstance(info_param, Mapping): if info_param is None: info_param = {} else: info_param = {_p_value: info_param} else: info_param = deepcopy(info_param) if all((f not in info_param) for f in [_prior, _p_value, _p_derived]): info_param[_p_derived] = True # Dynamical input parameters: save as derived by default value = info_param.get(_p_value, None) if isinstance(value, str) or callable(value): info_param[_p_derived] = info_param.get(_p_derived, True) return info_param
def get_sampler_type(filename_or_info, default_sampler_for_chain_type="mcmc"): sampler = list(yaml_file_or_dict(filename_or_info).get(_sampler, [default_sampler_for_chain_type]))[0] return {"mcmc": "mcmc", "polychord": "nested", "minimize": "minimize"}[sampler] def get_sample_label(filename_or_info): return yaml_file_or_dict(filename_or_info).get(_label, None) def get_burn_removed(filename_or_info): info = get_info_params(filename_or_info) # if skip burn in *has already been done* return info.get(_post, {}).get("skip", 0)